Requirements: Power 20, Top 5 in Tourney
Every month or so, the developers will have a tournament where only 5 players can win. There will be PvE, PvP, and other things such as fishing or finding random locations.
To get to the tournament, every month an extremely large whirlpool will show up and replace the statues in the Etrean Luminant. Entering them will bring you to a dungeon. You can only have one build in the tournament, so choose wisely.
The first test will be PvE. It's basically diluvian, except it has no wave cap. Dying here will end the run and lock you out of the tournament. The top 500 highest wave numbers will win the PvE section. The PvE section lasts 1 day.
NOTE: You cannot climb anything in the dungeon. Mantras such as Flame Leap or Heavenly Wind are greatly toned down in jump size.
The 500 players will be sent to the Minigame section, which consists of three gamemodes:
Fishing Frenzy
Bandit Survival
Skipper Squabble
Fishing Frenzy lasts for 1 day. Instead of actually fishing, you must aim your rod and try to get it inside an ever moving waterhole for 5 minutes. You immediately pull back any loot you get from it. The top 300 people who get the most catches will move to the next minigame.
Bandit Survival lasts for 1 day. Upon joining, you will transform into a bandit. There will be a horde of Megalodaunts all around Erisia, waiting to kill you. You must sneak by the Megalodaunts by using distractions such as potions, other bandits, or by simply running past. Note that the Megalodaunts kill you in one hit. If you die, you can restart, but it takes away from your time. The top 150 players with the lowest times will move to the next minigame.
Skipper Squabble lasts for one day. When you load, you will be stood infront of a Broodlord. The Broodlord will begin throwing mudskippers at you, speeding up as time passes. You can parry or dodge these mudskippers, but blocking counts as a hit. The more time passes, the more Broodlords spawn & the faster it gets. The top 75 players with the longest time lived will win.
(Note: You do not have AP frames in this gamemode)
You will spawn into an extremely tall island with a flat surface, similar to the guild war area. If you die here, you wipe. Teaming is allowed, but only in pairs of 2. Moderators will closely watch each match.
The PvP section is split into 5 servers:
0-700 Elo
701-800 Elo
801 - 1000 Elo
1001 - Top 250 Elo
Top 250 - Godseeker Elo
If you are much obviously better at the game than you should be, you will be moved to a higher elo server.
The last man standing here will be the winner in each server. You can either choose to give Lightkeeper to the 2nd place, or wipe your character to gain Lightkeeper on the next. Every winner will get a custom title/name.
Inner Purity
You can navigate the Voidsea safely. You have zero fog in the Void, and creatures do not spawn unless you turn it off by typing "/e pure". You also have 50% more PvE damage.
World's Essence
If you say "Search for [name]" a link between you and the player will be created. Only you can see this link.
Deep Immunity
You are immune to Deep Gems.
Lighthouse Operator
You can operate Lighthouses (Though, the one you're currently stationed at is having trouble operating). You spawn at the Eastern Interstitial Lighthouse.
The Spellhardts recognize you as a reincarnation of one of their own, and welcome you with open arms. You can summon yourself to their castle at any time you want, unless you are in combat.
All factions are friends with you. You lower your faction rep less easily.
Lightkeeper's Blessing [Active]
If you bless your friend, you can instantly summon them across servers to save them. (only works one at a time)
Shadow's Repulse
You cannot use Shadowcast mantras or Talents.
You automatically can use all Dawnwalker Mantras. However, a new attribute is created, called Lightkeep.
Landing Lightkeep Mantras will make you immune to status effects for 5 seconds with a 5 seconds cooldown. They will also proc Overload on enemies, causing their mantras to have random modifiers (can go in the negatives)
Here's a couple Lightkeep talent & mantra ideas:
Flashing Lights
Perfect casting a Lightkeep Mantra will blind your enemy for 2 seconds. (10 second cooldown)
Song Overdrive
Blockbreaking an enemy with a Lightkeep Mantra will give you infinite ether for 3 seconds. (10 second cooldown)
Celestial Beams
Flourishing enemies will now cause the stars above to shoot down on your enemies.
Heavenly Pulse (Mantra)
Flash light from yourself rapidly.
Wave Beam (Mantra)
Shoot a beam forwards in a wave pattern.
Celestial Wrath (Mantra)
Summon a giant beam from the skies onto your cursor.